Capacity Building

We run a range of courses and workshops on specific aspects of Corporate Governance.

Best practice in corporate governance is continuously evolving, and it’s therefore essential that owners, executives, and directors stay abreast of the latest developments to maintain a competitive edge. This is of particular importance to businesses that are legally required to provide development opportunities for their board.

MEIoD offers a number of capacity building programs specifically tailored to meet the individual needs of a range of company types and structures. Each course focuses on offering practical advice and recommendations which can be implemented to improve company performance and foster growth.


Each of our programs can be delivered in person, online, or using a blend of the two models, depending on what best fits the requirements and circumstances of the individual client.

Programs currently on offer include:



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Corporate Directors Program - Weekly program

Designed for current board chairs and members, directors, senior officers, and senior executives, and individuals interested in these positions.***

The program is held over ten full training days during the program. 

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Corporate Directors Program - Evening Sessions

Designed for current board chairs and members, directors, senior officers, and senior executives, and individuals interested in these positions.***

The program is held over 14 evening evening classes from 5pm - 9pm (UAE time). 

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Diversified Leadership

This program is focused on empowering participants to embrace diversity, challenge unconscious biases, and develop strategies for change.

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Board Simulation

We have created a Board Simulation program to increase your exposure to opportunities and prepare executives to take their first company board position by immersing them into a virtual boardroom scenario.

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Online Intro to Corporate Governance

This half day program is designed to provide a big picture overview of the role of boards covering aspects of decision making, recruitment and implementing effective governance.


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Online Intro to ESG

This half day program is designed to provide guidance and information to board members on how best to manage Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) as a key part of their strategy. 


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Board Ready Program

For curious, conscious, courageous & capable professionals seeking an accelerated pathway to a value-aligned board role.

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Corporate Governance for Family Businesses

Designed for family members, and those individuals working in executive or secretarial roles within a family business.

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ESG in the Boardroom

Designed for board members, executives, corporate secretaries, in-house counsel, and sustainability/CSR/ESG officers.

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Corporate Secretary Course

Designed for individuals new to the role of Corporate Secretary, and those looking to refresh and update their knowledge after a period of service.

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Corporate Governance for Start-Ups

Designed for founders and owners of high-growth businesses, as well as high-level executives working within those organizations.

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