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Online Intro to Corporate Governance

This half day program is designed to provide a big picture overview of the role of boards covering aspects of decision making, recruitment and implementing effective governance.


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Strategic Importance of HR in Boardroom

The scope of this session is to address:

  1. The strategic role of HR in the boardroom
  2. The HR’s role in the boardroom in terms of challenging the strategy and the implementation of it against the HR structure 
  3. The HR directors role as a proactive partner
  4. The HR director with solutions

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How the role of the CFO is transforming in the board room

Tune in to our next webinar with Antonio Chedrawy to understand the important role of CFOs in the boardroom.


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Board Simulation

We have created a Board Simulation program to increase your exposure to opportunities and prepare executives to take their first company board position by immersing them into a virtual boardroom scenario.

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Diversified Leadership

This program is focused on empowering participants to embrace diversity, challenge unconscious biases, and develop strategies for change.

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